Peter Roskam

Peter Roskam


I represent Illinois’ 6th Congressional District in the US House. I'm a Member of the Ways & Means Committee+ the Chief Deputy Whip in the Republican Majority.

Wheaton, IL ·

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

I'm honored to serve as Chief Deputy Whip for the 113th Congress alongside my friend and colleague, Kevin McCarthy.

Today's jobs report shows us an increase of 7.9% unemployment. American's can't afford another 4 years like the last 4

Small businesses are engine of job creation. Under this admin’s overreach, job creators are frozen. cc:

Adm. Mullen said that national debt is our biggest national security threat. This article underscores how right he is:

Rep. Peter Roskam: the common ground is "high level of dissatisfaction with the current tax code"

Obama’s promise to cut deficit in half is unfulfilled. Today, U.S has more spending, greater debt & higher unemployment

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