Erika Andiola is one of the undocumented youth who was featured on the Time Magazine cover in June. Now "undocumented immigrants" are the only representation of Latinos for Time Person of the Year. (Courtesy Steve Pavey)

Erika Andiola is one of the undocumented youth who was featured on the Time Magazine cover in June. Now “undocumented immigrants” are the only representation of Latinos for Time Person of the Year. (Courtesy Steve Pavey)

“Undocumented immigrants” up for Time Magazine person of the year

Time Magazine is set to unveil their Person of the Year 2012, and despite a year in which Latinos rose in prominence and coverage, undocumented immigrants in the U.S. are the only Latino representation in the group of 40 candidates.

“An invisible population stepped forward on June 15, 2012 to stake its claim on the American dream,” the magazine writes in its description. “On that day, President Obama declared that certain undocumented immigrants — a group simply labeled “illegal” by many — would not be the subjected to deportation under broad ranging conditions.”

The blurb goes on to say that Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order, may have helped him with groups that have undocumented relatives, like Latinos and Asian-Americans.

“The sympathies of other groups of people who have “undocumented” relatives…may have clearly shifted to a President on a campaign for re-election, as evidenced by the preponderance of Hispanic and Asian American voters casting their ballots for Obama,” it said. “Chastened by the results of the vote, the GOP has warmed to a legislative fix, increasing chances of comprehensive reform.”

But as has been the case before with Time Magazine, many deserving Latinos did not even make a final list of 40 contenders for a top honor.

RELATED: Time Magazine Once Again Lackluster at Including Influential Latinos

While Chris Christie, Bill Clinton and Karl Rove made the list, 2012 breakout politicians like Julian Castro and Marco Rubio did not. Jay-Z made the list, but not international music and philanthropic sensation Shakira.

While Time editors will choose the Person of the Year, voting is taking place for the people’s choice for the person who most influenced the news this year.

Check out our gallery of other top Latinos who could have been considered for Time’s Person of the Year. Who do you think was left out? Let us know below.

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