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School of Public Health News Release, 11/08/2012

SPH starts new AcademyHealth Student Chapter

Twenty-five SPH students are members of the new AcademyHealth Student Chapter on the UNTHSC campus, initiated this fall, and already a number of activities have taken place, with more events planned for the coming months.

Along with faculty sponsor Dr. Jose Pagan, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Health Management and Policy, 22 chapter members recently toured the Baylor Institute for Health Care Research and Improvement in Dallas, where they engaged with Baylor leaders, researchers and physicians to discuss health services research, clinical research and policy practice, and related career opportunities.

Another chapter event focused on Tarrant County's MedStar ambulance service, which responds to more than 100,000 emergency calls a year and serves more than 880,000 local residents. Guest speakers included Doug Hooten, MedStar Executive Director, and Public Affairs Director Matt Zavadsky, who are involved in cost containment, improvement in quality of care and innovative methods, based on research studies, to navigate frequent, non-emergency 911 callers to other appropriate health care channels.

For more information on events and activities, visit the chapter's Facebook page at:http://www.facebook.com/unthscacademyhealth?ref=ts&fref=ts.

This page last updated Sep 18, 2012
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