<b>ARNG Readiness Centers Conserving Energy</b>

<b>What is it' </b>

The Army National Guard (ARNG) recognizes that many national and community treasures are represented by approximately 3,000 U.S. readiness centers (armories). From energy initiatives to architectural innovations to community outreach, National Guard readiness centers are unique and ubiquitous. Readiness centers constitute perhaps the most tangible and visible homeland symbol of the citizen-soldier serving community and nation.

<b>What has the Army done' </b>

Recent "green" accomplishments include energy saving initiatives along with the reduction of hazardous waste:

Aca,!Ac The Arizona Guard is using the earth's natural insulation to heat and cool its 5,200 square-foot ECO-building. The Arizona Army National Guard also won the Secretary of the Army Cultural Resource Management Award.
Aca,!Ac The Michigan Guard won the Secretary of the Army Environmental Award for pollution prevention at its Combined Support Maintenance facility.
Aca,!Ac The Colorado Guard won a U.S. Air Force award for sustainable design and an honor award for interior design mainly for "green" (environmental) achievements.
Aca,!Ac The Minnesota Guard has developed a new model for readiness centers focusing on federal, state, and community missions. Ten of Minnesota's readiness centers are designed as "hybrid" training and community centers (TACCs).
Aca,!Ac The Hawaii Guard has taken an interagency approach breaking ground with a new facility they will share with the U.S. Army Reserve and the Hawaii Office of Veterans Services.
Aca,!Ac The New Mexico Guard is using low-pressure paint guns to reduce hazardous paint waste (a process certified under the Clean Air Act).

<b>Why is this important to the Army' </b>

Most modern day readiness centers are practical suburban buildings, with plenty of parking and energy saving initiatives, serving multiple purposes within the community. With smaller numbers of Americans serving in the military than in the past, often community impressions toward military service are based on links to the local readiness centers and the units that serve out of them. The preservation of ARNG traditions, community relations and history through readiness centers and other installations is a foundation for morale in these communities, making them a keystone for recruiting and retention.

<b>What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future' </b>

Many old readiness centers have been demolished and many have been converted to other establishments, but a few are scheduled for preservation, restoration or reuse. Some armories are being replaced by newer more energy efficient structures or renovated with energy saving enhancements.

<b>Resources: </b>

<a href="http://www.arng.army.mil/Pages/Default.aspx" target="_blank">Army National Guard</a>

<a href="http://www.azguard.gov/" target="_blank"> Arizona Guard </a>

<a href="https://www.mi.ngb.army.mil/" target="_blank"> Michigan Guard </a>

<a href="http://www.coloradoguard.army.mil/ " target="_blank"> Colorado Guard </a>

<a href="http://www.minnesotanationalguard.org/ " target="_blank"> Minnesota Guard</a>

<a href="http://hawaii.gov/dod " target="_blank"> Hawaii Guard </a>

<a href="https://www.nm.ngb.army.mil/" target="_blank"> New Mexico Guard </a>

Page last updated Mon December 28th, 2009 at 20:41