Marguerite Reardon
CNET Writer

My Latest on CNET

AT&T spends $780 million to buy more spectrum

Filed in: News - Mobile

January 22, 2013
FCC pushes for gigabit broadband in all 50 states by 2015

Filed in: News - Politics and Law

January 18, 2013
Unlimited Verizon data customers beware: Make sure your next phone is 4G

Filed in: News - Mobile

January 18, 2013

My videos

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My blogs and podcasts (showing 3 of 2054)

My forum posts (showing 3 of 27)

"Thanks for joining us!"

Posted in: Cell phones

June 14, 2011

Posted in: Cell phones

June 14, 2011
"4G speeds"

Posted in: Cell phones

June 14, 2011

My comments (showing 3 of 136)

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About Me

  • Member since:

    October 21, 2004


    Senior writer

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My Posting Summary

  • 7 Videos
  • 2054 Blogs and Podcasts
  • 27 Forum Posts

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