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Satellite reveals that cloud tops are dropping closer to Earth    Satellite reveals that cloud tops are dropping closer to Earth
The sky is falling … sort of. Over the last 10 years, the height of clouds has been shrinking, according to new research. >>
NASA Partnership Sends Earth Science Data to Africa    NASA Partnership Sends Earth Science Data to Africa
A unique partnership between NASA and agencies in Africa and Europe has sent more than 30 terabytes of free Earth science satellite data to South African researchers to support sustainable development and environmental applications in Africa. >>
NASA Data Track Seasonal Pollution Changes Over India    NASA Data Track Seasonal Pollution Changes Over India
MISR data were used to measure the concentration of aerosol pollutants over the Indian subcontinent and how it varies by season. >>
New Map Offers a Global View of Health-Sapping Air Pollution    New Map Offers a Global View of Health-Sapping Air Pollution
In many developing countries, the absence of surface-based air pollution sensors makes it difficult, and in some cases impossible, to get even a rough estimate of the abundance of a subcategory of airborne particles that epidemiologists suspect contribute >>
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Events and Announcements
2012 MISR Data Users Science Symposium
This year's meeting will be Dec. 10-11 on the Caltech campus in Pasadena, CA. Online registration now available.
Iceland volcanic plume data on MISR Plume Height Project web site
Data for the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in April-May 2010 are available, generated using the MINX tool.
Two new MISR Level 3 products announced
The CFbA (Cloud Fraction by Altitude) and CMV (Cloud Motion Vector) products are available for March 2000 - May 2010 and continuing mission data will be added.
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Aerosols Land surface Top-of-atmosphere Albedo Radiance World Maps and Animations World Maps and Animations World Maps and Animations World Maps and Animations