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About Aquarius ►
Aquarius is a focused effort to measure Sea Surface Salinity and will provide the global view of salinity variability needed for climate studies. The mission is a collaboration between NASA and the Space Agency of Argentina (Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales). MORE >>
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First Aquarius Maps

Aquarius has produced its first maps of global ocean salinity. These preliminary data contain uncertainties and, over time, will be updated as further calibration and validation work are completed. MORE >>
Mission Status & Events ►
Abstracts for the SMOS-Aquarius Science Workshop are due on 18-Feb-13. Details available here.
[04-Dec-12] Watch the Aquarius Sessions at AGU!
[27-Sep-12] The Aquarius team receives a NASA honor award!
News Items ►
[18-Jan-13] NASA's Aquarius Mission Provides New Ocean View by Gary Lagerloef, Simon Yueh and Jeffrey Piepmeier, has been published in Sea Technology magazine.
[19-Jun-12] Gary Lagerloef's article "Satellite Mission Monitors Ocean Surface Salinity" is featured in EOS Transactions. MORE >>
Focus on Education ►
How much do you know about Aquarius? Find out here!
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Take NASA's Sea Salt Quiz!
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Last Updated: 11 February 2013