
The STEM Jobs Act means more talent in our workforce, more innovation, more startups, more entrepreneurship, more jobs and a better economy.

Please join me in congratulating Chairman Ralph Hall, who just cast his vote as the oldest Member in the history of the House!

Today, we recognize Chairman Hall's 22 years of service to the American people and the 4th district of Texas, and wish him many more.

Congratulations are due to Chairman Ralph Hall, who just cast his vote as the oldest Member in the history of the House!

Step toward secure border: House passed bill mandating operational control as metric for evaluating border security

Thanks for your questions, folks! I'm going to vote on the House floor, but please continue to keep in touch.

Negociar/regímenes corrupto no lleva a resultados aceptables. Solo hay q preguntarle a la Adm Obama/ d Corea del Norte

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