Guenter Gross

Director, Center for Network Neuroscience
Research Scientist, Center for Plant Lipid Research

Department : 
Biological Sciences
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Gross’ research interests include cellular and network neurophysiology, development of multinetwork platforms for rapid parallel assays, modeling of network dynamics, network-network interactions, multichannel recording and life-support technology for cell culture, and cell-electrode coupling and cell adhesion to artificial surfaces.

Postdoctoral training, Experimental Neuropathology Section, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany, 1977
Ph.D., Neurophysiology and Biophysics, Florida State University, 1973
B.S., Engineering Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology, 1962


BIOL 3800: Animal Physiology


Novellino, A., Scelfo, B., Palosaari, T., Sobanaski, T., Shafer, T. J., Johnstone, A. F. M., Gross, G. W.,… Whelan, M. (2011). Development of micro-electrode array based tests for neurotoxicity: Assessment of interlaboratory reproducibility with neuroactive chemicals. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 4(4), 1-14.

Wu, C., Gopal, K. G., Gross, G. W., Lukas, T. J., & Moore, E. J. (2011). An in vitro model for testing drugs to treat tinnitus. European Journal of Pharmacology, 667, 188-194.

Gopal, K. G., Wu, C., Moore, E., & Gross, G. W. (2011). Assessment of styrene oxide neurotoxicity using in vitro auditory cortex networks. Journal of Otolaryngology, DOI: 10.5402/2011/204804.

More Articles


Gross, G. W. (2010). High throughput microelectrode array platforms for quantitative pharmacology, toxicology, and drug development using spontaneously active neural tissue. Invited lecture/ Keynote Address at the 3rd IBEC Symposium on Bioengineering and Nanomedicine: Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.

Gross, G. W. (2010). In vitro bioelectronic screening: Rapid toxicity assessments in an era of accelerated chemical and pharmacological compound production. Invited Speaker at the Heinz-Nixdorf-symposium at the Technical University of Munich, BMW Center, Barcelona, Spain.

Gross, G. W. (2010). Validation and effective application of in vitro systems. Invited Speaker at the 39th Neural Interfaces Conference at the Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA.

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