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Phase Diagrams & Computational Thermodynamics

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Bi-Pb-Sn System

Calculated Liquidus Projection

Liquidus Projection with Isotherms of the Bi-Pb-Sn System (95 KB)

Status of the thermodynamic description:

S.W. Yoon and H.M. Lee, CALPHAD 22 (1998) 167-178
Description of HCP_A1 readjusted for different reference state, U.R. Kattner, NIST, 2000.

Sources of the binary descriptions:

Bi-Pb:  S.W. Yoon and H.M. Lee, CALPHAD 22 (1998) 167-178

Bi-Sn:  B.-J. Lee, C.-S. Oh and J.-H. Shim, J. Electron. Mater. 25 (1996) 983-991  

Pb-Sn:  H.J. Fecht, M.-X. Zhang, Y.A. Chang and J.H. Perepezko, Metall. Trans. A, 20A (1989) 795-803

Calculated Invariant Equilibria

Reaction Phase Mass % Bi Mass % Pb Mass % Sn
L   +   (Pb)   ->   (Sn)   +   (epsilon Pb)

135.7 oC

Liquid 30.54 47.56 21.90
(Pb) 18.70 74.72 6.58
(Sn) 4.46 1.65 93.89
(epsilon Pb) 26.13 66.78 7.09
L   ->   (Sn)   +   (epsilon Pb)   +   (Bi)

98.0 oC

Liquid 51.59 32.59 15.82
(Sn) 10.93 0.63 88.44
(epsilon Pb) 41.24 50.29 8.47
(Bi) 99.62 0.32 0.06

Phases, Crystal Structures and Model Descriptions

Phase Struktur-
Common Names Prototype Spacegroup Model*
Liquid n/a L n/a n/a (Bi,Pb,Sn)1
Fcc A1 (Pb) Cu Fm-3m (Bi,Pb,Sn)1(Va)1
Hcp A3 (epsilon Pb) Mg P63/mmc (Bi,Pb,Sn)1(Va)0.5
Rho A7 (Bi) alpha As R-3m (Bi,Pb,Sn)1

*Major species are printed bold face

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