Garamendi Appointed to Agriculture Committee During Farm Bill Negotiations

Nov 27, 2012 Issues: Agriculture, Economy


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman John Garamendi (D-Fairfield, CA) was recommended to serve as a Member of the House Agriculture Committee. He expects official approval at tomorrow's Democratic Caucus meeting. Garamendi, a lifelong rancher and farmer, will join in bicameral negotiations on the farm bill, which could be voted on by the House in December.
"I didn't enter Congress to twiddle my thumbs and sit quietly in the background. I must be where the needs of my district are and that's in the final negotiations for the five-year farm bill. I want to thank Speaker Boehner and Leader Pelosi for giving me this opportunity to serve where I am needed," said Congressman Garamendi.
"Passing a good farm bill is very important to the family farmers in my district, and the nutrition assistance in the farm bill provides vital help to struggling families throughout California," Garamendi added. "As a farmer and rancher, I know we need to get this done, and I will work around the clock to make sure California specialty crops and commodity programs are protected."
To join the Agriculture Committee, Garamendi is required to resign from the House Natural Resources Committee, which he did today. Committee appointments for the new 113th Congress have not been announced. Garamendi continues to serve on the House Armed Services Committee in the current Congress.