
Holy criminy. You're right! How, how did this happen??“: You're a middle aged white man.”

If you're up, tune into tomorrow at 4:30am PT/7:30am ET. I'll be on talking about the fiscal cliff negotiations

This morning I stopped by the Springfield Republican to pick up my copy of "The Irish Legacy: A History of the...

Proud that the House passed my bill requiring & to give clothing left at airport security checkpoints to homeless

U.S. has a D rating. We have work that needs to be done & American workers ready to do it.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our live telephone town hall tonight. We had over 7,600 participants.

Staff: Garamendi on House Floor now speaking about jobs, transportation & rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy. Watch:

NASA, Los Alamos Lab Test New Nuclear Engine to Power Future Deep Space Missions [VIDEO] via

Det ser ut til at det tar en stund å laste.

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