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 Meet your 2012 Orientation Leaders!

 Competitively selected from among UNTHSC's student body, Orientation Leaders meet for training sessions that prepare them to answer questions and lead students during New Student Orientation. Whether giving a tour, leading an OL activity, presenting a session or simply answering a question, the Orientation Leaders are well-equipped to assist you during your transiting into the UNTHSC Community.


Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences


Bahar Abbassi                                  Jessica Castaneda-Gill                         Victoria Kay
Advice for Incoming Students:                          Favorite Motto: Love many, trust few                Advice for Incoming Students:
Make sure school is your #1 Priority!                always paddle your own canoe!                         Be bold, ask questions, jump right in!


Blayne Knapp                                   Brent Shell                                            Brent Weiser

Favorite Motto:                                                   Advice for Incoming Students:                               Favorite Motto:
Follow your heart!                                              Buy a calendar!                                                       C3, C4, C5...keeps you alive: Phrenic!

School of Public Health


Kingsley Ebare                                  Michelle Green                                   Alexis Hunter
Advice for Incoming Students:                          Favorite Motto:                                                   Favorite Motto:
Just relax, you are in the right place!                Never Settle for less, Shoot for your Best!        Remember Faith! 

Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine


Christina Ateek                                  Sabrina Garg                                   William Griffin  

Advice for Incoming Students:                            Favorite Motto:                                                Advice for Incoming Students:
One day at a time!                                              Take it one day at a time!                               Med School is more fun than you think!  



Jimmy Kelley                                      Chaitanya Konda                              Liz Levacy
Favorite Motto:                                                    Advice for Incoming Students:                            Favorite Motto:
Lifes a garden...dig it!                                          Work hard, play hard and                                 Be the change 
                                                                               be compassionate!                                               you wish to see in the world!


Brittany Love                                      Hayley Marshall                               Margaret Mou
Advice for Incoming Students:                             Favorite Motto:                                                Advice for Incoming Students:
Keep a perspective and take a lot of breaks!    Give more.  Expect less!                                   Don't forget to enjoy your time here!     



Shani Patel                                          Shane Rainey                                       Ariel Riezenman
Favorite Motto:                                                     Advice for Incoming Students:                               Favorite Motto:
When life gives you lemons,                                 You have the entire world in front of you.          Never stop questioning,
ask for some sugar, or else                                   Embrace it. You can do whatever you chose!     Never stop learning!
you'll have som cruddy lemonade! 



Chris Vera                                             Talon Miner
Advice for Incoming Students:                               Favorite Motto: Life is a challenge, adapt and
Keep the focus, pritorize studies,                            overcome....and don't forget to have fun!
and make time for yourself! 


Department of Physical Therapy


Kyle Bonin                                                                 Abigale Hoffman
Advice for Incoming Students:                                                          Favorite Motto:
Find time for the little things that make you happy,                     A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what
but work hard!                                                                                  ships are for!


Meena Krishnan                                                         Tonda Morgan
Advice for Incoming Students:                                                            Favorite Motto:
You got this!                                                                                          You can never finish if you never take the first step!

Physician Assistant Studies


Cory Bell                                                                   Colby Cordray       
Advice for Incoming Students:                                                         Favorite Motto:
Get involved in student activities!                                                     Smile More!


Megan Ince                                                                Jennifer Stuthard
Advice for Incoming Students:                                                          Favorite Motto:
Relax and enjoy your time off! You are about                              Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe! 
to start a hard, but worthwhile journey! 







This page last updated May 17, 2012
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