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Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports

Add concussion awareness to your pre-game checklist.

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Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports materials

There’s no doubt about it: sports are a great way for teens to stay healthy while learning important team-building skills.  But there are risks to pushing the limits of speed, strength and endurance.  And athletes who push the limits sometimes don’t recognize their own limitations—especially when they’ve had a concussion.

That’s where you come in.  It’s up to you, as a coach, to help recognize and make the call to pull an athlete off of the field, ice, court, or track if you think s/he might have a concussion. Playing with a concussion can lead to long-term problems. It can even be fatal.  

To help you properly identify and respond to a concussion, CDC, in partnership with leading experts and organizations, developed the Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports initiative and materials.

Heads Up: Concussion in High School SportsSo as you’re building your concussion game plan, make sure to check these boxes: 

Learn concussion symptoms and danger signs

Know how to respond if a concussion occurs    

Set up a four-step Heads Up Action Plan before the season starts

Educate athletes, parents, and others



To order these “Heads Up” materials at no cost, click here

To download more “Heads Up” videos, PSAs, and web banners or other promotional materials, click here

Heads Up coverFor information on concussion in youth sports, see also Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports.

If you think your athlete has sustained a concussion…

don’t assess it yourself.

Take him/her out of play,

and seek the advice of a health care professional.

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