2012 Medal of Honor

Nominations are now open!


Every day in this country, ordinary Americans become extraordinary. It can happen in a single instance of bravery, or through a lifetime of service to others. Acts of courage and selflessness inspire us all, and we’d like to highlight these stories. Please celebrate the heroism that symbolizes the American spirit by nominating an unsung American hero that you know.

Every year, in conjunction with National Medal of Honor Day, three United States citizens will be awarded Citizen Service Before Self Honors near the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington Cemetery. They will receive this award from a group of Americans whose actions have defined the word courage – the members of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. These men have received our nation’s highest and most prestigious award for valor, the Medal of Honor.

The living Medal recipients of this exclusive Medal of Honor Society now number  less than 85, and range in age from 24 years to 95 years.  Medal recipients will present the citizen honorees with their awards at this special ceremony on March 25, 2013.

Please help our nation’s greatest heroes find America’s unsung civilian heroes.

Nominations are due not later than Friday, December 28, 2012.

The 150th Anniversary of The Medal of Honor

This year marks the 150th Anniversary that the first Medals of Honor were awarded.  These Medals were first presented on March 25, 1863  to a group of six men for valiant acts performed during the Civil War.