Brian Ayre

Associate Professor

Department : 
Biological Sciences

Areas of Expertise
Dr. Ayre’s specific research interests include plant physiology and biotechnology, molecular biology of nutrient transport and carbon partitioning, plant productivity, and long-distance signaling in flowering and plant architecture. Dr. Ayre is also a proud member of the American Society of Plant Biologists and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Ph.D., Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Alberta, Canada, 1995
B.S., Genetics Program (Honors), University of Manitoba, Canada, 1989


BIOC 5680: Selected Topics in Biochemistry
BIOC 6650: Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
BIOL 1720: Principles of Biology II
BIOL 1722: Honors Principles in Biology II
BIOL 3170: Plants and Human Society
BIOL 4503/5503: Plant Physiology


Ayre, B. G., & McGarry, R. C. (2012). Manipulating plant architecture with members of the CETS gene family. Plant Science, 188-189, 71-81.

Ayre, B. G., Webber, C. L. I., Dickstein, R., D'Souza, N. A., Stevens, K. J., Chapman, K. D., Allen, M. S., & Dagnon, K. M. (2012). Monoculture and polyculture: Kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus) and sunn hemp (crotalaria juncea). Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration.

Ayre, B., & McGarry, R. C. (2012). Geminivirus-mediated delivery of florigen promotes determinate growth in aerial organs and uncouples flowering from photoperiod in cotton. PLoS One, 7(5), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036746

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Books and Books Edited:

Ayre, B. G., & McGarry, R. C. (2012). Florigen and cotton: Manipulating plant architecture to improve plant productivity. In Flowering and Fruiting in Cotton (Oosterhuis DM, ed) New York: Springer Science and Business Media.

Ayre, B. G. (2010). The flowering hormone florigen: A protein hormone In P. Davies (Ed.), Plant Hormones, Biosynthesis, Signal Transduction, Action! Revised 3rd Edition (pp. 539-548). New York : Springer Science and Business Media.

More Books


Ayre, B. G., & McGarry, R. C. (2011). Geminivirus-mediated delivery of florigen to ancestral cotton uncouples flowering from photoperiod and promotes determinate growth. Poster presented at Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN.

Ayre, B. G., Singh, V., Louis, J., Reese, J., & Shah, J. (2011). Arabidopsis defense against green peach aphid: Role of trehalose metabolism. Oral presentation presented at Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN.

Ayre, B. G., & McGarry, R. C. (2011). Geminivirus-mediated delivery of florigen to ancestral cotton uncouples flowering from photoperiod and promotes determinate growth. Poster presented at Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology meeting, Raliegh, NC.

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