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  • Photo by Ariel Zambelich/Wired
  • Skiing Needs a Surfline for Mountain Conditions

  • Wednesday, December 5
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  • Snow reports are a mess. What the industry — and more importantly, the community — needs to do is take a page from the surfing world. It needs a Surfline for snow reports.

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  • Winter Is Coming — What’s In Your ‘Go-Bag?’

  • Monday, December 3
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  • Snowboarding, surfing, childbirth, zombie apocalypse, DEA raid — whatever the activity, you can be prepared to hit the road at a moment’s notice if you keep a well-stocked satchel at the ready.

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  • Buying the Right Ski Boots Should Suck, and Here’s Why

  • Friday, November 30
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  • Buying ski boots usually involves stepping into a few boots off the rack to find the ones that don’t hurt, and picking whichever boots look best with your skis. Greg Whitehouse says you’ve been doing it all wrong.

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  • Jawbone CEO Seeks Second Chance to Lead Sports Gadget Pack

  • Tuesday, November 13
  • It was every CEO’s nightmare. Just about a year ago Hosain Rahman and his San Francisco-based company debuted Up, a personal health gadget. The slim, rubberized wristband had buzz, the early-adopter set was loving it, and on Black Friday the …

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  • First Look: Jawbone’s All New Up Fitness Tracking Bracelet

  • Tuesday, November 13
  • Jawbone’s Up was one of the hottest gadgets on the market in 2011 — until it cratered and had to be recalled. The activity tracker — an Yves Behar-designed wristband that sent data to a slick iOS app — was …

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  • Smartphone App Gives Bikes Automatic Gearboxes

  • Tuesday, November 13
  • Using a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone, an electronic gearbox and a few sensors, engineers have built a bike that shifts gears itself without the need for a flywheel. The setup, designed by Cambridge Consultants, places sensors on the main crank and wheel …

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  • ‘Flying’ Sharks and Angry Birds Invade Miami

  • Friday, November 9
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  • Flying a homemade blender airplane is no different than riding a bicycle, but it’s a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes. And the “flying” machines that competed in Red Bull’s crazy contest can only loosely be called …

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  • Moots’ Point: For Premium Bike Maker, It’s Titanium or Bust

  • Wednesday, November 7
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  • Moots has, since 1990, built nothing but titanium bikes. This isn’t to say the company didn’t consider straying from its path. During the darkest days, when it seemed carbon might rule the world, Moots experimented with all sorts of titanium-carbon …

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