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This Week's E-Newsletter


A New Congress
The voters have spoken.  In January, a new Congress will be sworn-in in Washington.  On January 21st, we also will see the second inauguration of President Obama.  Overall, the balance of power in the House and Senate did not change very much, which means that our new Members of Congress will have to work extra hard to cut through their differences and deliver the solutions that America needs so badly in these tough economic times.

My Greatest Honor
As you have probably heard, I will no longer be your representative in the coming year.  Under the newly-drawn district maps, residents in the 13th District of Illinois will soon be represented by one of six different members of the new Congress, including my recent opponent in the 11th District race.  It would be inappropriate to discuss campaign activities in an official e-newsletter, but I will say that representing the people of this area has been the great honor of my lifetime.

Thanks to your great ideas, we’ve done some very good things for people who don’t make the headlines.  We’ve helped to ensure that homeless children can stay in school, secured a new mega clinic for veterans, stopped discrimination based on genetic testing, and strengthened laws against domestic violence.  That’s all been possible because of your good ideas, and I am deeply grateful that you have allowed me to serve as your representative over the past 14 years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I’d also like to note that I will continue to be your representative for the next two months.  We will be winding down office functions and working to ensure as smooth a transition as possible for the people of the 13th District as they get to know their new members of Congress.   But, in the meantime, if you have a question about legislation, a comment about a bill, or need help with a federal agency, I and my staff will be here to serve you through December.  This will, however, be my final regular weekly e-newsletter, due to the transition.  It will not, however, be the last time you hear from me, as I expect to continue working on your behalf, both during the lame duck session and beyond.

First Order of Business
Still, with the election behind us, there’s no shortage of work to be done before a new Congress is sworn in this January. I’ll return to Washington next week and the top order of business is to address the looming fiscal cliff.  The day after the election, Speaker Boehner immediately stated his readiness to work together with the President and Senate Majority Leader to reach a bipartisan compromise that will avert the fiscal cliff and prevent our economy from slipping back into a recession.  This task is made even more urgent by yesterday’s report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which stated that a fall over the fiscal cliff would cause unemployment to jump up to 9.1 percent.  

With just 53 days to change course, both sides must be willing to compromise.  Speaker Boehner expressed a willingness to consider revenue as long as it was part of an effort toward long-term tax reform.  But there is no question that our nation’s fiscal problems are the result of too much spending – not too little taxation.   That means we need to find a solution that will gradually rein-in the size of government rather than just feed its growth.  

This week’s Article of the Week provides a simple explanation of the tax rates that are scheduled to rise as well as the potential implications of the cliff.  I’m hopeful that both sides will meet in the middle on a solution that will get our economy back on track.

Again, it has been an honor to serve you.  Do not hesitate to contact our office at (630) 655-2052 if I can be of assistance to you in the weeks ahead.


Judy Biggert
Member of Congress

Article of the Week
Chicago Tribune Editorial
November 8, 2012

Your countdown to the cliff

Democrats and Republicans in Washington each had spent two years counting on Tuesday's election to give their party the upper hand in their furious cage match over federal spending and debt. But both tribes of gladiators awoke Wednesday to more of the same: Democrats still hold the White House and Senate; Republicans still hold the House.

Guaranteed gridlock? Not necessarily. With Washington's power equation constant, this is, surprisingly, the ideal moment to take unpopular steps and rescue our government from potential doomsdays — the first of them scheduled for Jan. 1, less than eight weeks away:

If leaders of both parties swallow their pride for a few weeks, this lame-duck Congress and re-elected president could give the American people a marvelous holiday present: the sort of "Go Big" deal that almost erupted in mid-2011. If, though, Democrats and Republicans maintain their rigidity of recent years, they'll blithely squander a perfect opportunity, further imperiling this nation and its slow-growth, jobs-starved economy.

Democrats and Republicans, make this happen together and neither party can hold it against the other in the 2014 election cycle: Most Americans will be grateful, and those who gripe will blame all of you. For both parties, then, equivalent (and low) risks.

The more dangerous risk is yet another of the some-other-time delays that got us where we are: slipping toward the so-called fiscal cliff, plus a crisis moment for our federal debt, plus the rising prospect that Medicare, Social Security and other entitlements can't meet their obligations.

What 'fiscal cliff'?

For decades, presidents and Congresses spent money they didn't have. Last year, President Barack Obama and the current Congress set Jan. 1, 2013, as a day of reckoning so dreadful that surely The Other Party would cave long before it arrived. Didn't happen. So buckle up.

In 54 days, unless Democrats and Republicans cut a deal (or chicken out and delay), our economy likely begins to topple off what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke labeled a fiscal cliff. Taxes will rise sharply, automatic triggers will slash federal spending and economic growth will plummet. The Congressional Budget Office expects another recession. Some specifics:

As is, federal taxes are slated to rise in January for six reasons: The Bush-era tax cuts expire. Some temporary tax cuts that were part of the 2009 stimulus expire. Congress hasn't extended dozens of short-term tax breaks that routinely expire. The 2-percentage-point payroll tax cut for Social Security expires. New taxes to fund parts of Obamacare begin. And for lack of another patch to the alternative minimum tax, millions of taxpayers will be vulnerable to the onerous AMT not only for 2013 but retroactively for 2012.

The Tax Policy Center, a Washington research group, says these hikes would raise taxpayers' liability by 21 percent, or $536 billion: "Nearly 90 percent of all households would face tax increases averaging nearly $3,500. Middle-income taxpayers would see an average increase of almost $2,000. ... The average marginal tax rate would increase by about 5 percentage points on wages and salaries, by about 5 percentage points on interest income, by about 7 percentage points on long-term capital gains and by more than 20 points on qualified dividends."

What's more, the abruptness of the spending cuts is more than our economy could comfortably absorb. Defense, already scheduled for reductions, would take another huge hit; other cuts would fall across the board. A George Mason University study — disclosure: it was funded by an aerospace trade group — estimates that in the aggregate the cuts could cost 2.1 million jobs.

The prospect of sailing off this cliff, plus rising health coverage obligations under Obamacare, have kept many employers from hiring workers. Too much uncertainty, too little faith in Washington to act.

Note that we did leave room for Congress and the White House to chicken out ... again. But doing so risks another credit downgrade. That's a potential boost to interest costs — and a further humiliation — that we hope deters another delay.

Especially when this moment allows:

A macro solution

The fiscal cliff is but one January peril. Last week, the Treasury Department warned that the U.S. is likely to reach its borrowing limit of $16.4 trillion before then. Obama and the Senate surely will want to raise the debt ceiling; the House, arguing that America's debt bomb already risks a European-style calamity, will want offsetting cuts in spending.

Two more factors: Each day, our entitlement programs edge closer to insolvency. And each day, the need for tax reform that lowers rates but cuts loopholes, deductions and wrongheaded incentives comes clearer: Even revenue-neutral reform would mean new growth, new jobs.

The Simpson-Bowles commission is one of many voices to offer sensible solutions for these problems. Washington, though, has lacked motivation, courage and the humility to compromise.

One macro deal could solve all of this, before Jan. 1. House Speaker John Boehner spoke Wednesday of a multi-pronged solution: "It would be an agreement that sends the signal to our economy and to the world that after years of punting on the major fiscal challenges we face, 2013 is going to be different." Obama has offered similar suggestions.

Gentlemen, Americans have had enough of your quibbling on the parameters of that macro solution and on its details. Get this done. Not next year, now.

A new Tribune calendar

Loyal readers will recall the daily calendar that appeared here for months and helped persuade the Cook County Board to roll back then-board President Todd Stroger's damaging increase to the sales tax. That calendar listed the number of days until the Election Day when voters could have their way with Stroger and commissioners who had voted for the tax hike.

Today, with the same urgency, a new calendar. We'll click off the days until Jan. 1 and the fiscal cliff.

We would like nothing better than to kill this calendar in mid-countdown because Congress and the White House have pulled Americans back from that cliff.

Mr. Obama, members of Congress, fast doesn't mean reckless. You know the components — later eligibility for Social Security, means-testing of Medicare for high earners, flatter tax rates with a broader base and so on — that a macro solution should include. Don't blow the extraordinary opportunity that Tuesday's status quo election has handed you.