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    University of North Texas
  Dec 02, 2012
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2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog
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ACCT 4100 - Accounting Systems

3 hours
Introduction to technology/accounting information systems and their interface with business processes, internal controls and database management systems. Emphasis on maintaining and auditing system security and integrity. Practical experience with a commercial accounting package and database management software.

Prerequisite(s): Must have a 2.5 GPA in all ACCT 3000 and ACCT 4000 courses taken at UNT or their equivalent taken at other colleges and universities to take this course.

Corequisite(s): ACCT 3120 .

May not be taken more than twice at UNT. Students may not retake this course once they have completed (with a grade of C or better) a course for which this is a prerequisite. (This course may be taken during the junior year.)

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