BMC Medicine is the flagship medical journal of the BMC series, publishing original research, commentaries and reviews that are either of significant interest to all areas of medicine and clinical practice, or provide key translational or clinical advances in a specific field.


  • Sabina Alam PhD, BioMed Central


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  • istock folder (old hands)

    Managing dyskinesia in Parkinson's

    Jean-Francois Daneault, Benoit Carignan, Abbas Sadikot, Michel Panisset, Christian Duval

    Dyskinesia is a major complication in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease; Christian Duval and colleagues propose a new approach to manage the level and type of these motor symptoms and help improve patients’ quality of life

  • Flickr;ragesoss

    Aspirin therapy in neuropsychiatry?

    Michael Berk, Olivia Dean, Hemmo Drexhage, John McNeil, Steven Moylan, Adrienne ONeil, Christopher Davey, Livia Sanna, Michael Maes

    Michael Berk and colleagues review the potential of aspirin as a therapeutic agent in neurological and psychiatric disorders, based on the role it may play in regulating inflammation, oxidative and nitrosative stress in the brain.

  • istock

    Medicine for Global Health

    Gretchen Birbeck

    Gretchen Birbeck launches our new article collection, Medicine for Global Health, with an editorial, discussing the relevance of medicine in resource-limited settings, highlighting that simple interventions may help to lessen the global burden of disease.  

  • LeoCarbajal on Wikimedia commons

    Implications of FEAST analysis

    John Myburgh, Simon Finfer

    Analysis of the FEAST trial explored the mechanisms behind excess mortality in African sepsis patients given fluid boluses; John Myburgh and Simon Finfer discuss the broader relevance of this result for other populations of critically ill patients.

  • Flickr CC Perfecto Insecto

    ME/CFS and sickness behavior

    Gerwyn Morris, George Anderson, Piotr Galecki, Michael Berk, Michael Maes

    Michael Maes and colleagues review the similarities and differences between myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and sickness behavior, concluding that the two disorders have shared pathways, but are distinct conditions.

  • istock

    Implications of drug-induced changes

    Allan Sniderman, George Thanassoulis

    Allan Sniderman and George Thanassoulis comment on a meta-analysis showing reduction of testosterone by statins, but argue that range of changes rather than average changes need to be considered when measuring the effects of specific drugs.


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Meat consumption and mortality - results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Sabine Rohrmann, Kim Overvad, H B Bueno-de-Mesquita, Marianne U Jakobsen, Rikke Egeberg, Anne Tjønneland, Laura Nailler, Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, Françoise Clavel-Chapelon, Vittorio Krogh, Domenico Palli, Salvatore Panico, Rosario Tumino, Fulvio Ricceri, Manuela M Bergmann, Heiner Boeing, Kuanrong Li, Rudolf Kaaks, Kay-Tee Khaw, Nicholas J Wareham, Francesca L Crowe, Timothy J Key, Androniki Naska, Antonia Trichopoulou, Dimitirios Trichopoulos, Max Leenders, Petra HM Peeters, Dagrun Engeset, Christine L Parr, Guri Skeie, Paula Jakszyn, María-José Sánchez, José M Huerta, M L Redondo, Aurelio Barricarte, Pilar Amiano, Isabel Drake, Emily Sonestedt, Göran Hallmans, Ingegerd Johansson, Veronika Fedirko, Isabelle Romieux, Pietro Ferrari, Teresa Norat, Anne C Vergnaud, Elio Riboli and J Linseisen
BMC Medicine 2013, 11:63

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