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 Adjunct Faculty Reappointments

Adjunct clinical and non-clinical faculty are granted 3 year appointments. At the end of 3 years, the appointment will automatically terminate. Prior to the appointment termination date:

Clinical Adjunct Reappointments

  • Faculty Affairs will notify the department when appointments are due to expire.
  • The department chair has the option to renew the appointment but clinical re-credentialing is mandatory.
  • Please notify DeVetra.Patrick@unthsc.edu which faculty the chair intends to reappoint.
  • Prepare the reappointment packets and submit to Faculty Affairs.
  • Faculty Affairs will route packets to obtain approval signatures.
  • Once reappointment is approved, Faculty Affairs will send reappointment letter to the department.
  • Department is responsible to send letter to adjunct clinical faculty.

Please use the links below to prepare the packet for submission to the Office of Faculty Affairs.

  • Adjunct Clinical Faculty Reappointment Packet Checklist

  • Forms

  • Non-clinical Adjunct Reappointments
  • Faculty Affairs will notify the department chair when appointments are due to expire.
  • The department chair has the option to renew the appointment.
  • Please notify DeVetra.Patrick@unthsc.edu which faculty the department chair intends to reappoint along with a current CV for each faculty member.
  • Once reappointment is approved, Faculty Affairs will send reappointment letter to department.
  • Department is responsible to send letter to adjunct faculty.

Please use the links below to prepare the packet for submission to the Office of Faculty Affairs.



This page last updated Oct 26, 2012
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