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The Faculty Assembly

Meetings of the faculty will be described as the faculty assembly as stated in the Faculty Bylaws - Article XVI. The faculty assembly is generally held to promote collegiality, exchange of information, and promotion of discussion.

The Faculty Assembly is held at 5:15 pm in Luibel Hall (EAD-108).  

Faculty Assembly support contact: Deborah.Cooper@unthsc.edu or 817-735-2103

Assembly Dates for FY13

September 11, 2012: Agenda // Minutes // Dr. Ransom's Presentation

December 11, 2012

March 5, 2013

May 14, 2013


September 13, 2011:  Agenda // Minutes // Dr. Ransom's Presentation

December 13, 2011Agenda // Minutes

March 6, 2012:  Agenda // Minutes // Dr. Ransom's Presentation // Faculty Senate Task Groups Presentation

May 8, 2012:  Agenda // Minutes

This page last updated Oct 26, 2012
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