OCT Organization

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Center Chief Technologists

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View the NASA Center Chief Technologists for the OCT.

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OCT Staff Directory

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An alphabetical listing of the OCT team.

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Office of the Chief Technologist

    NASA's Space Technology Program coverNASA's Space Technology Program is building, testing and flying the technologies needed for future missions. Click here to view video.
    NASA's Chief Technologist serves as the NASA Administrator's principal advisor and advocate on matters concerning agency-wide technology policy and programs. The Office of the Chief Technologist (OCT) is responsible for direct management of NASA's Space Technology programs and for coordination and tracking of all technology investments across the agency. The office also serves as the NASA technology point of entry and contact with other government agencies, academia and the commercial aerospace community. The office is responsible for developing and executing innovative technology partnerships, technology transfer and commercial activities and the development of collaboration models for NASA.

    OCT will provide a technology and innovation focus for NASA through the following goals and responsibilities:
    • Principal NASA advisor and advocate on matters concerning Agency-wide technology policy and programs.
    • Up and out advocacy for NASA research and technology programs. Communication and integration with other Agency technology efforts
    • Direct management of Space Technology Programs
    • Coordination of technology investments across the Agency, including the mission-focused investments made by the NASA mission directorates. Perform strategic technology integration.
    • Change culture towards creativity and innovation at NASA Centers, particularly in regard to workforce development.
    • Document/demonstrate/communicate societal impact of NASA technology investments. Lead technology transfer and commercialization opportunities across Agency.
    NASA's Space Technology initiative managed by OCT will develop and demonstrate advanced space systems concepts and technologies enabling new approaches to achieving NASA's current mission set and future missions not feasible today. This approach is in contrast to the mission-focused technology development activities within the NASA Mission Directorates, which “pull” technology development based upon established Mission needs. OCT and the Space Technology initiative will perform “push” technology development and demonstration. Such technologies are either crosscutting, which serves multiple NASA Mission Directorates, industry, and other government agencies, and/or game-changing which enable currently unrealizable approaches to space systems and missions. OCT and Space Technology will complement the technology development activities within NASA's Mission Directorates, leveraging synergies between them, and delivering forward-reaching technology solutions for future NASA science and exploration missions, and significant National needs.