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 ID   Program Extension   Reduced Course Load (RCL)    


Transferring your SEVIS Record   Taking Web Based Courses 


Social Security Number 


Riding the Bus in Ft Worth




Annual Bus Pass




State ID card


International Student Services suggests that you get a state identification card so that you will have a legal form of ID to carry with you at all times that is not your passport. You can get more information about this here. Below is a list of documents that you will need in order to apply for the state identification card.


  • Your Continued Attendance I-20.
  • Certification of Enrollment, which you request from the Registrar's Office and is only available after the census date each term.
  • Your original passport and I-94.
  • Proof of Address. (lease, phone bill, or something simular in your name) 
  • If you have an SSN card, bring it with you but you can get a state ID if you don't have an SSN.




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Program Extension

If students are not able to finish their required coursework by the program end date on the I-20, they are able to request an extension in certain cases.

  • The student must apply to the DSO for the extension prior to the program end date.
  •  The student has "continually maintained status".
  •  The DSO must be able to certify that the delay in completion is "caused by compelling academic or medical reasons, such as changes of major or research topics, unexpected research problems, or documented illnesses"
  • The regulations state that "delays caused by academic probation or suspension are not acceptable reasons for program extension."

 In order to request an extension, students must complete the I-20 Extension Request form. It can be found under the Forms section of the International Student Services webpage. The completed form, along with your revised degree plan, must be submitted to the DSO at least 30 days before your current program end date.


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Reduced Course Load (RCL)

International students are required to maintain full time enrollment each term, with the exception of summer if your school does not require summer enrollment. SEVIS does make allowances under certain circumstances for the Designated Signature Official (DSO) to approve a reduced course load. The DSO must authorize a reduced course load (RCL) and update SEVIS prior to the student reducing his or her course load. A student who drops below a full course of study without the prior approval of the DSO will be considered out of status. There are limited reasons for which a RCL can be granted. Please note:  The Department of Homeland Security does not consider financial difficulties a valid reason for enrolling less than full time.


  • Academic (can only be used one semester per program level-minimum enrollment requirement of half time)
    • Initial difficulties with the English language, or initial difficulties with reading requirements(can only be requested in the first two semesters of study in the US)
    • Unfamiliarity with American teaching methods (can only be requested in the first two semesters of study in the US)
    • Improper course placement
  • Medical (cannot exceed a total of 12 months-no minimum enrollment)
    • Cannot be approved without medical documentation from a licensed MD, DO, or clinical psychologist
    • Must be reauthorized each semester
  • Last semester (or in thesis or dissertation)
    • If a student does not need  a full course load to graduate, students can take just the courses needed to complete their program
    • Students authorized for RCL in their final session are considered full time students
    • If a student with RCL authorization fails a course in the last term, a second RCL may be granted under certain circumstances, but the student would not be eligible for a third RCL
    • Students who have completed all formal coursework and are enrolled only in thesis or dissertation will be considered full time as long as they are meeting the conditions for full time enrollment as defined by each school in the catalog


Students that are granted a RCL must then return to a full course of study at the start of the next available university term, excluding summer unless that term is required by your school.

To request a RCL, students must submit an Exemption From Full-Time Enrollment form, which can be found under the Forms tab of this website, to the International Student Services Office before they drop below full time.  

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Transferring your SEVIS record

Transferring Your SEVIS Record into UNTHSC: 

  • Your current DSO will need to release your records in SEVIS to us. (School code DAL214F00610001).
  • In order for me to accept your records, you must be admitted to one of our programs as a degree seeking student, and you must be starting the next available semester. This next available semester must be less than 5 months from your transfer in date.
  • If you are transferring after completing a program, you must get your record transferred to our office before the 60 days grace period ends.
  • The UNTHSC International Student Services Office does not accept terminated records.
  • Students must supply proof of financial support before the record will be accepted.
  • Once the record has been accepted, the transfer I-20 will be given to the student.


Transferring Your SEVIS Record Out from UNTHSC:

  • Students must supply the International Student Services Office with an offer of Admissions from the school to which they wish the record to be transferred to, along with the transfer in school’s school code.
  • The student must be enrolling in that school’s next available semester, which must begin no more than 5 months from the transfer out date.
  • Students must bring any paperwork required by the transfer in school to the UNTHSC DSO. That completed paperwork will be sent to the transfer in school before the SEVIS record is transferred out.
  • If you are transferring while classes are in session, you must not withdraw from your classes until after you have met with the DSO. Doing so could result in a terminated SEVIS record.
  • Students must request a transfer out at least 5 business days before their grace period end date.
  • Students will be notified via e-mail once the SEVIS record has been transferred out.


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Taking Web Based Courses

On-line course is defined as, a course in which all work is done via the web and no significant in-person class time is required.

Hybrid course is defined as, a course in which most work is done via the web, but at least one significant in-person meeting is required. This in-person meeting must be an integral part of the course. For example, a class that requires your testing be done in person is considered a hybrid course. The technology mediated courses offered as a part of the School of Public Health Curriculum are hybrid courses.


  • Only 3 hours of your 9 hour enrollment requirement may be taken as an on-line course per semester.
  • A maximum of 6 hours of your 9 hour enrollment requirement may be taken as hybrid courses.
  • In a semester in which you have been approved to enroll in less than 9 hours, none of your courses may be on-line.
  • In a semester in which you have been approved to enroll in less than 9 hours, only one of your courses may be hybrid.
  • For students who are required to attend the summer term, where 6 hours is full time enrollment, only 3 hours of your 6 may be hybrid.
  • For students who are required to attend the summer term, where 6 hours is full time enrollment, none of your courses may be on-line.
  • If you only have one course left to take, that course may not be taken as an on-line course.
  • In order for an on-line course to count towards your full time enrollment requirement, that course must taken in the first eight-week session of the term. Any courses taken in the second eight-week session must be in addition to the 9 hours required to maintain full time enrollment for that semester.

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Social Security Number

You will find in the States that many people ask you for your Social Security Number, or SSN. Only students who have employment will be able to get an SSN. Once you have secured a job, your employer will need to provide you with an employment letter. The International Student Services Office can provide a template, if the student provides us with the supervisor’s e-mail address. You will also need a letter from the International Student Services Office, your passport, I-94 and your continued attendance I-20 to apply for an SSN. Click here for more information about SSNs for F-1 visa holders.

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This page last updated Nov 09, 2012
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