Francisco Guzman

Associate Professor
Chair, UNT Sustainability Council
Vice Chair, UNT Faculty Senate

Department : 
Marketing & Logistics
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Guzman’s research focuses on branding toward social values and branding and sustainability; particularly on public-private collaborations, sponsorships, corporate social responsibility, green marketing, and strategic corporate brand building. His research has appeared in a range of journals such as the Journal of International Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Political Marketing, and Harvard Business Review América Latina, among others. Francisco has guest-edited special issues of the Journal of Business Research on cross-cultural research and the Journal of Product and Brand Management on brands as intangible assets.

Ph.D., Management Sciences, Universitat Ramon Llull-ESADE, 2005
D.E.A., Business Management, Universitat Ramon Llull-ESADE, 2003
M.A., Marketing Management, Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, 2002
M.A., Public Policy, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, 1998
B.A., Economics, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, 1996


MKTG 5150: Marketing Management
MKTG 3881: Personal Professional Development
MKTG 4330: Strategic Brand Management


Guzman, F., & David, D. (2012). The impact of strategic corporate social responsibility on brand equity. Journal of Brand Management.

Paswan, A., Guzman, F., & Blankson, C. (2011). Supply chain governance and marketing strategy. Industrial Marketing Management.

Guzman, F., & Sierra, S. (2011). Public-private collaborations. European Journal of Marketing.

More Articles


Guzman, F., & Becker-Olsen, K. (2010). Strategic corporate social responsibility: A brand building tool. In C. Louche, S. Idowu & W. Filho (Eds.), Innovative Corporate Social Responsibility: From Risk Management to Value Creation. Greenleaf Publishing.

Montana, J., Guzman, F., & Moll, I. (2009). Branding and design management. In B. Schmitt & D. Rogers (Eds.), Handbook on Brand and Experience Management (pp. 88-98). Cheltenham, UK: Elgar Publishing.

Guzman, F. (2008). A brand building literature review. In A. Balakrishna (Ed.), Brand Building: New Dimensions (pp. 87-116). ICFAI Books.

More Books


Guzman, F. (2010). Crossing the border: Changes in the perception of brand image and self-brand image. Presented at the International Colloquium of AM's brand - Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG, Barcelona, Spain.

Guzman, F. (2009). Corporate social responsibility in global branding. Presented at the Cross Cultural Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Guzman, F. (2008, September 12-13). Corporate social responsibility in global branding. Presented at the 4th Annual International Colloquium on Brand, corporate Identity & Reputation, Atlanta, GA.

More Presentations