Nourredine Boubekri


Department : 
Engineering Technology

Areas of Expertise
Dr. Boubekri came to UNT in 2007, having previously been a professor and researcher at Northern Illinois University and the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL). Dr. Boubekri also served in the military as Second Lieutenant from 1985 to 1988. He has been awarded over $7.6 million in research funding, acting as Principal Investigator on 16 projects. He has been involved in a great deal of professional community engagement, having worked as Director of the Manufacturing and Measurement & Control Laboratories at Northern Illinois University as well as a Panel Member/Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation, State of Missouri Research Assistance Program, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Engineering Research Council, Florida High Technology Initiative, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, U.S Department of Energy, and Industry Council's Applied Research Grants Programs.

Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 1983
M.E., Boston University, 1980
B.S., Boston University, 1980


ENGR 1060: Communication and Ethics
MSES 5030: Product Design and Development
MSES 5060: Technology Innovation

Selected Publications

Boubekri, N. (2011). An investigation in drilling 1020 steel using minimum quantity lubrication. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 1(5).

Boubekri, N., & Shaikh, V. (2010). Effects of minimum quantity lubrication in drilling 1018 steel. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research, 2.

Boubekri, N. (2008). Tool and process design for semi-dry drilling of steel: An innovation for green manufacturing, part IV. Waste Management Research.

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Selected Conference Presentations

Boubekri, N. (2010, June). Micro Lubrication in Machining: Technology Review and Safety. IIE Annual Conference and Expo, Mexico.

Boubekri, N. (2009, June). Minimum Quantity Lubrication in Machining: State of the Art. IIE Annual Conference and Expo, Orlando, FL.

Boubekri, N. (2008). Rethinking Education Strategies in the 21st Century. Polytechnique de Paris.

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