Saraju Mohanty

Associate Professor

Department : 
Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Mohanty joined the Department in 2004. His research is in “Low-Power High-Performance Nanoscale VLSI." Dr. Mohanty's research has been funded by National Science Foundation and Semiconductor Research Corporation. Prof. Mohanty is an author of 140+ peer-reviewed journal and conference publications. The publications are well-received by the world-wide peers resulting in an H-index of 19 and i10-index of 36 (from Google Scholar). He has supervised 22 dissertations and thesis. He serves on the organizing/program committee of several international conferences. He also serves on the editorial board of several international journals. Dr. Mohanty is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.

Ph.D., University of South Florida, 2003
M.E., Indian Institue of Science (Bangalore, India), 1999
B.T., Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, 1995


CSCE 4730: VLSI Design
CSCE 5730: Digital CMOS VLSI Design
CSCE 5933: Topics in Computer Science and Engineering
CSCE 6730: Advanced VLSI Systems
CSCE 6933: Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering

Selected Publications

Banerjee, S., Mathew, J., Mohanty, S.P., Pradhan, D.K. & Ciesielski, M.J. (2011). A variation-aware TED-based approach for nano-CMOS RTL leakage optimization. ASP Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE), 7(4): 471-481.

Choppali, U., Kougianos, E., Mohanty, S.P., & Gorman, B. (2011). Maskless deposition of ZnO films. Elsevier Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (SOLMAT) Journal, 95(3): 870-876.

Mohanty, S.P., & Kougianos, E. (2011). Real-time perceptual watermarking architectures for video broadcasting. Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 84(5): 724-738.

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Selected Conference Presentations

Okobiah, O., Mohanty, S.P., & Kougianos, E. (2011). Towards Robust Nano-CMOS Sense Amplifier Design: A Dual-Threshold versus Dual-Oxide Perspective. Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Lausanne, Switzerland.

Garitselov, O., Mohanty, S.P., & Kougianos, E. (2011). Fast Optimization of Nano-CMOS Mixed-Signal Circuits Through Accurate Metamodeling. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), Santa Clara, California.

Mohanty, S.P., & Kougianos, E. (2011). PVT-Tolerant 7-Transistor SRAM Optimization via Polynomial Regression. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED).

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