
Oboe Classics - Bach, Schumann, Jacob & Hindemith (live)
with Laura Silverman, piano - (1996) Iguana Records
Desvelo - João Guilherme Ripper's Matinas for Oboe & Strings (live)
with the string orchestra of UNISINOS, Brazil - (1997) Projeto Tons e Sons
Duo Ryon/Amaral - Sammartini, Schumann, Siqueira, Burle Marx & Lacerda (live)
with Marcelo Amaral, piano - (1999) Iguana Records
American Quintets I - Gershwin, Barber, Bernstein, Cowell, Gallagher, Zahab & Resanovic
with the Solaris Quintet - (2000) Capstone Records
Musique française pour hautbois - Ravel, Loeffler, Silvestrini, Poulenc & Dutilleux (live)
with Laura Silverman, piano & Alan Bodman, viola - (2001) Iguana Records
Elite Syncopations - 12 Joplin Rags arranged for woodwind quintet by Lee Brooks
with the Solaris Quintet - (2002) Concert Masters
Songs of Innocence & Experience - Brandão, Brean, Burle Marx, Guarnieri, Lacerda, Mahle, Ripper & Siqueira
with the Burle Marx Trio, Regina Mushabac, cello & Mark George, piano - (2002) Jeanné Digital
American Quintets II - Resanovic, Zahab, Joplin/Brooks, McCarthy, Turek & Foster/Stevens
with the Solaris Quintet - (2003) Capstone Records
In Concert at LSU - Brean/Ryon, Elpidio/Ryon, Martinu, Resanovic, Ravel, Rielli/Ryon & Silvestrini (live)
with Jam Grimes, piano & Dennis Parker, cello - (2003) Iguana Records
Burle Marx Trio In Concert at LSU - Bach, Brandão, Goossens, Pitombeira, DeLamge & Martinu (live)
with James Alexander, violin, Dennis Parker, cello & Jan Grimes, piano (2004 ) Iguana Records