
recycling signThe consulting services offered by the Office of Sustainability enable businesses and municipalities to achieve their sustainability goals by helping business and community leaders create meaningful change in the three areas that impact sustainability.


The Office of Sustainability can educate business and community leaders how to create and manage sustainability programs that create both awareness and concern for sustainability issues.


The Office of Sustainability can provide business and community leaders the tools and strategies needed to understand the impact of their decisions on the environment.


The Office of Sustainability can help business and community leaders reduce their bottom line through methods of energy saving, waste reduction, and sustainable purchasing.

Carbon Emissions Tracking

Sustainable Strategies and Programs

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (L.E.E.D.) Consultation

Energy Efficiency

Specialized Projects and Research

blue bladed turbineProfessional Sustainability Certificates

In conjunction with expert faculty and industry leaders, the Office of Sustainability will soon offer Professional Certificates in topics of sustainability.  These certificates are available for the business and municipal professional to learn more about general and specific sustainability topics that are transferrable to that individual’s organization.  Please check back with us in Spring 2013 for more details!