Irene Klaver

Associate Professor

Department : 
Philosophy & Religion Studies
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Klaver has research interests in philosophy of water issues, cultural studies, environmental philosophy, twentieth century continental philosophy, and aesthetics.

Ph.D., Philosophy/ Indeterminacy in Place, State University of New York, 1996
M.A., Philosophy, New School for Social Research, 1988
M.A., Political Theory, University of Amsterdam, 1987
B.A., Psychology/Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, 1984


PHIL 2500: Introduction to Contemporary Environmental Issues
PHIL 4650: Philosophy of Water
PHIL 4700: Environmental Ethics
PHIL 4800: Postmodernism
PHIL 6500: Cultural Criticism
PHIL 6650: Philosophy of Water Issues


Klaver, I. J. (1998). Wonder van het hollandse landschap: Alles is eigenlijk kunstmatig ("Wonderful artificiality of Dutch landscape"). Journal of Empirical Philosophy. 53-66.

Klaver, I. J., Pekelharing, P., & Flameling, J. (1998). Interview with Richard Rorty. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie. 8(3), 68-83.

Andrew, B., Feder, E. K., & Klaver, I. J. (1994). Cultivating a critical voice in women. Feminist Teacher. 8(3), 21-21.

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Books and Books Edited

Klaver, I. J. (2008). Wild: rhythm of appearing and disappearing. In M. Nelson & J. Callicott (Eds.), The Great New Wilderness Debate. (Vol. 2). University of Georgia Press.

Klaver, I. J. (2007). Boundaries on the edge. In C. Brown & T. Toadvine (Eds.), Boundary Explorations in Ecological Theory and Practice.State University of New York Press.

Klaver, I. J., & Donahue, J. (2005). Whose water is it anyway? Boundary negotiations on the Edwards Aquifer in Texas. In Globalization, Water and Health: Resource Management in Times of Scarcity. 107-127. School of American Research Press.

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Posters and Presentations

Klaver, I. (2009, March). Outlook on ideas of water. Presented at Water and Humanity: Historical Overview UNESCO book series: The history of water and civilization. World Water Forum 5, Istanbul, Turkey.

Klaver, I. (2009, March). International water issues and environmental justice. Panel of UNT Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies. Projects At varieties of environmental justice: Local, regional and global conference, University of North Texas, Denton, TX.

Klaver, I. J. (2009, February). Water and cultural diversity—A new UNESCO project. Presented at Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (ICB- Institute of Biological Sciences) and Instituto de Estudos Avançados Transdisciplinares IEAT – (Institute of Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

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