Cathy Hartman

Associate Dean

Department : 
Library & Information Sciences
Areas of Expertise
Ms. Hartman has been involved in leadership roles in state, national, and international organizations and councils including the American Library Association, the Texas Library Association, the International Internet Preservation Consortium, and the Texas Records Management Interagency Coordinating Council. She is a past chair of the Federal Depository Library Council, an advisory body to the head of the US Government Printing Office on issues related to U.S. government information access policy. Her preservation efforts for electronic government information include: establishing the CyberCemetery in 1997, in partnership with the U.S. Government Printing Office to preserve the Web sites of dead U.S. government agencies and commissions; and creating a partnership with the Texas Secretary of State's Office in 2000, to archive back electronic issues of the Texas Register and later the partnership was expanded to include the Texas Laws and Resolutions Archive. She is the founder of the Portal to Texas History program that has now helped more than 200 libraries and museums in Texas digitize their unique collections and make them available on the Web.

M.S., Library Science, University of North Texas, 1991
B.A., Mathematics, North Texas State University, 1967



Hsieh, I. K., Murray, K. R., & Hartman, C. N. (2007). Developing collections of web-published materials. Journal of Web Librarianship, 1(2), 5-26.

Hartman, C. N., Belden, D., Reis, N., & et. al, (2005). Development of a portal to Texas history. Library Hi Tech, 2(23), 151-163.

Alemneh, D. G., Hastings, S. K., & Hartman, C. N. (2002). A metadata approach to preservation of digital resources: The University of North Texas libraries' experience. First Monday, 7(8).


Kelly, M. S., & Hartman, C. N. (2006). The depository library community and collaborative participation in e-government: AskUS (FDLP librarians) and we will answer!. In S. Kumar (Ed.), The Changing Face of Government Information: Providing Access in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Haworth Information Press.


Hartman, C. N. (2012). Classifying the end of term web archive. Poster session and discussion at IS&T Archiving Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hartman, C. N. (2011). Research: Curator discussion of web archives. Presentation and discussion at International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly, The Hague, Netherlands.

Hartman, C. N. (2010). Collecting and providing access to the news: Processes and challenges. Presented at Citizen Journalism Special Symposium at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Hartman, C. N. (2009). From massive web harvests to digitized materials: Preserving digital content. Presented at National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators: Electronic Records Forum.

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