Terry L. Clower

Associate Professor
Associate Director, Center for Economic Development and Research

Department : 


Areas of Expertise
Dr. Clower has served as associate director, project manager, staff researcher, and statistical analyst on numerous projects reflecting experience in labor relations, economic and community development, public utility issues, transportation, and economic impact analyses. He serves as the Center’s resident expert on telecommunications focusing on policy issues regarding infrastructure development. Drawing upon nearly a decade of experience in logistics management, Dr. Clower leads the Center’s transportation research efforts.

Ph.D., Information Science, University of North Texas, 1997
M.S., Applied Economics, University of North Texas, 1992
B.S., Marine Transportation, Texas A & M University at Galveston, 1982


AECO 4080: Principles of Economic and Community Development
AECO 5050: Seminar in Contemporary Applied Economic Problems
AECO 5870: Research Methods
AECO 5880: Multivariate Regression Analysis


D'Souza. , Clower, T., Nimon, K., Oldmixon, E., & van Tassell, F. (2011). Developing a mission/vision statement for a faculty senate. Planning for Higher Education, 39(2), 15-24.

Beer, A., Haughton, G., Maude, A., & Clower, T. (2005). Neoliberalism and the institutions for regional development in Australia. Geographical Research: Journal of the Institute of Australian Geographers , 43(1).

Clower, T. (2004). Economic development, Texas style: Are there lessons for Australian practitioners? Sustaining Regions, 3(3), 9-16.

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Books and Books edited

Beer, A., Faulkner, D., Paris, C., & Clower, T. (2011). Housing transitions through the life course, aspirations, needs and policy. Routledge.

Weinstein, B., & Clower, T. (2010). Media industry as a catalyst for technological change and economic development: Texas as a case study. In R. Stough & C. Karlsson (Eds.), Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship: Studies in Regional Economic Development. Edward Elgar.

Clower, T. (2010). Economic development incentives and the measurement of local endogenous growth: Is there a need for modeling adjustment? In R. Stimson (Ed.), Endogenous Regional Growth. Edward Elgar.

More Books


Clower, T. (2011, February). The impact of transit-oriented development on highway usage: Case studies in Texas. Presented at Monterey, CA Western Regional Science Association.

Clower, T. (2009, October). U.S. housing markets and the global financial crisis.. Presented at Cairnes, QLD, Austalia Association of Australian Geographers.

Clower, T., & Weinstein, B. (2008, February). The economic development potential of stem cell research: Texas as a case study. Presented at Kona, Hawaii Western Regional Science Association.

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