Baird Callicott

Distinguished Research Professor
Regents Professor

Department : 
Philosophy & Religion Studies

Areas of Expertise
Dr. Callicott's research goes forward simultaneously on four main fronts: theoretical environmental ethics, comparative environmental ethics and philosophy, the philosophy of ecology and conservation policy, and biocomplexity in the environment. Dr. Callicott is perhaps best known as the leading contemporary exponent of Aldo Leopold’s land ethic and is currently exploring an Aldo Leopold Earth ethic in response to global climate change. He taught the world’s first course in environmental ethics in 1971 at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1971
M.A., Syracuse University, 1966
B.S., Philosophy, Rhodes College, 1963


PHIL 2310: Intro to Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 5315: Topics in Ancient Philosophy


Callicott, B. (2011). Primauté de la philosophie naturelle sur la philosophie morale: Le forme des choses à venir. Naturalismes d’Aujourd’hui of Cahiers Philosophique . 27, 41-62.

Callicott, B. (2011). The other in sand county almanac: Aldo Leopold’s animals and his wild-animal ethic. Environmental Ethics. 33, 115-146.

Callicott, B., Grove-Fanning, W., Rowland, J., Baskind, D., & French, R. H. (2011). Reply to Norton, re: Aldo Leopold and pragmatism. Environmental Values. 20, 17-22.

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Books and Books Edited

Callicott, B. (2011). The temporal and spatial scales of global climate change and the limits of individualistic and rationalistic ethics. In A. O'Hear (Ed.), Philosophy and the Environment: Royal Institute of Philosophy. (pp. 101-116). Cambridge University Press.

Callicott, B. (2011). Postmodern ecological restoration: Choosing appropriate spatial and temporal scales. In K. de Laplante, B. Brown, K. Peacock, D. Gabbay, P. Thagard & J. Woods (Eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 11: Philosophy of Ecology (pp. 317-342). Amsterdam: Elsevie.

Callicott, B. (2011). Uma palinódia introtório. In P. Galvão (Ed.), Os Animais têm Direitos: Perspectivas e Argumentos (pp. 121-131). Lisbon: Dinalivro.

More Books


Callicott, B. (2011, March). From the land ethic to the earth ethic: Environmental citizenship in a time of climate change. Presented at Allegheny College Global citizenship: An academic conference on the nature of citizenship in a global world. Meadville, PA

Callicott, B. (2011, March). Ecosystem management: Alignment and ethics. Presented at Yale University Journey of the Universe Conference, Institute for Biospheric Studies, New Haven, CT.

Callicott, B. (2011, March). Steve Kellert: Contrarian social scientist. Presented at School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University Stephan R. Kellert retirement fete, New Haven, CT.

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