May 1, 2009
  Employee Profile


Betty Belton

Betty Belton
Office of Student Affairs

How long have you worked here, and what did you do before joining UNTHSC?
I have worked at the Health Science Center for 32 years.  Before joining UNTHSC, I worked at Texas Christian University (Brite Divinity School).  At the Brite Divinity School, I served as administrative secretary to six professors and assisted them in preparing their lectures, manuscripts, exams and many sermons.  

What are your job duties as registrar?
As registrar, I manage and maintain the academic records of all students at the Health Science Center.  In maintaining the academic records of the institution and upholding the academic policies, I strive to assist our students, faculty and campus community in achieving their goals.  This office is committed to continuous quality improvement, confidentiality, integrity, customer satisfaction, honesty and respect.  A typical work day consists of processing enrollment and graduation verification letters and forms, processing transcripts, processing reports for internal and external agencies, certifying licensure applications for alumni and meeting with various departments and schools regarding policies and procedures.

What should your fellow employees and students know about your department?
The Office of Student Affairs oversees issues that are relevant to all programs at the Health Science Center from pre-enrollment through graduation.  We provide leadership and support to help students with their learning experiences and have a variety of programs and services that monitor the quality of the campus environment.  Retention efforts, student advocacy, and diversity issues are important concerns to our department. “Fostering student success” is our mission and we are committed to the professional and personal development of all students.

What's the best part about working at the Health Science Center?
The best thing about working at the Health Science Center is the campus community.  I truly enjoy working with the students and helping them achieve their academic goals. The faculty and staff at this institution are dedicated to giving their time and resources to make sure that students are successful in meeting their goals.

During my tenure here at the Health Science Center I have had the privilege of serving under four presidents and six dean/vice presidents of Student Affairs, each bringing their own style in helping students succeed.  I am glad that I have had the opportunity to see the growth and vision of the Office of Student Affairs and the Health Science Center. The University of North Texas Health Science Center will forever be a part of my life.

What do you like to do when you aren't at the Health Science Center?
When I am not at the Health Science Center, I enjoy working with the different ministries in my church.  I especially enjoy visiting the nursing homes and working with our inner city youth.  I also enjoy attending seminars, workshops and cancer support meetings sponsored by the American Cancer Society. UNTHSC end logo

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University of North Texas Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard | EAD 834 | Fort Worth TX | 76107-2699