Parking Office


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Emergency: 817.735.2600
Non-Emergency: 817.735.2210

Parking and Traffic Violations

Persons/vehicles found in violation of any of the infractions listed below, are subject to receiving a Traffic Violation Notice, a Court Appearance Traffic Citation, or having their owned or operated vehicle immobilized or impounded.

No Parking Permit

Parked on campus without registering vehicle.

Expired Parking Permit

Parked on campus displaying an expired, invalid permit.

Permit Improperly Displayed

Parked on campus with temporary parking permit not laying on dashboard facing towards windshield on driver's side. Permit/temporary parking not properly displayed.

Permit Not Displayed

Parked on campus without displaying a parking permit. No visible permit displayed.

No Disabled Parking Placard/License Plate

Parked in a parking space designated specifically for the disabled without displaying the state-issued disabled parking placard/license plate.

Driving Wrong Way

Driving wrong way on one-way roadway. Driving on wrong side of roadway.

Driving In An Unsafe Manner/Excessive Speed

Driving recklessly. Driving at unsafe speed. Driving while disregarding traffic laws and/or traffic control devices.

Failure To Follow Orders Of Uniformed Officer

Disregards instructions/orders/signals given by uniformed officer. Moves any barricade/traffic cone, or parks within any barricaded/coned area without authorization.

Parked In Reserved Space/Unauthorized Lot

Parked in space designated as Reserve Parking without authorization and proper permit. Parked in parking lot not authorized by the classification of permit displayed.

Parked In Clinic Space

Employee or student parked in space designated for clinic parking and did not have clinic appointment. Employee or student parked in space designated for clinic parking and parked longer than the length of their clinic appointment.

Parked In Visitor Space

Employee or student parked in parking area designated for visitor parking. Visitor parked in parking area designated for visitor parking and parked longer than two hours.

Parked In Fire Zone

Parked in designated fire zone.

Parked In Two Spaces

Parked partly in one space and partly in another space. Where parking spaces are marked with parallel white stripes, vehicles must be parked within (1) space. Where a parking curb solely marks a parking space, vehicles must be parked directly behind and horizontal to parking curb.

Time Limit Violation

Parked in designated timed parking zone longer than time permitted. Timed parking zones are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Blocking Ramp

Parked in manner which obstructs or impairs proper usage of access ramps.

Not In A Marked Space

Parked in any area not specifically designated as a parking space. (see also "Parked in Unauthorized Location")

Obstructing Traffic

Stopping, standing or parking vehicle in any manner which creates an obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

Parked In Unauthorized Location

Parked in striped area or other location of parking lot that is not intented for use as a parking space.

Enforcement of Regulations

Traffic and Parking Violation Notices

UNTHSC police officers are licensed Texas peace officers who are authorized to issue two types of citations for violations of parking and traffic regulations:
1. Traffic Violation Notices : Those handled within the UNT Health Science Center. Persons issued Traffic Violation Notices are required to pay assessed fees or appeal the notices.
• A fee of $25.00 is assessed for each violation cited on the notice with exception of a $100.00 fine for Illegal Parking in a Disabled/Handicapped space.
• Traffic Violation Notices must be appealed within ten (10) days from the date of the citation. Appeal forms can be obtained at the UNTHSC Police Department or you can complete our Ticket Appeal Form online.
2. Court Appearance Violation Citations (Tarrant County Justice of the Peace Tickets): Those requiring an appearance in court before a justice of the peace. These citations are issued by UNTHSC police officers to those persons who violate Texas State Laws and Tarrant County Ordinances; including but not limited to: Illegal Parking on public streets as well as Speeding violations on public streets. Persons issued court appearance traffic citations can:
• Pay prescribed fine/s assessed by the court
• Appeal the citation to the court

Failure to Pay Traffic and Parking Violation Notices

Persons who have received three (3) or more unpaid Traffic Violation Notices will be notified by mail that their privilege to park on campus has been suspended until all Traffic Violation Notices are paid. A vehicle may be subject to impoundment/booting at owner expense after accumulating three (3) past due violations.

Vehicle Immobilization

A vehicle immobilizer, or boot, is a heavy solid metal device, which has two jaws that clamp down on both sides of a vehicle’s tire, making the vehicle impossible to move without causing severe damage to the wheel. The boot is always placed on the driver’s side of the vehicle, and a day-glow orange sticker is placed in the center of the driver’s door window so that the driver will readily know that their vehicle is booted.
Owners or operators of vehicles, who find their vehicles booted, must come to the Police Department in order to get the boot removed. Before the boot will be removed, any and all outstanding citations must be paid, as well as a fee of $25.00, assessed for the utilization of the boot.

Vehicle Impoundment

A local towing service will be called to remove all vehicles from campus which are found to warrant impoundment.
If the owner/operator of the vehicle to be impounded arrives prior to the arrival of the tow truck, officers will explain to the person that they must pay all owed fines now, at this time, in order to cancel impoundment.
If the owner/operator of the vehicle to be impounded is present upon arrival of the tow truck, but connection to the vehicle has not been made, the vehicle may be released to the owner/operator at the scene, if he/she agrees to pay all owed fines and tow truck fees now, at this time, in order to cancel impoundment.
If the vehicle is towed off campus and impounded, the owner/operator of the towed vehicle should call the UNTHSC Police Department to receive instructions. Payment in full is required for all outstanding violations and fees prior to the release of a booted/impounded vehicle.

This page last updated 09th Nov 2012

Emergency: 817.735.2600
Parking Office/Keys: 817.735.2211

Phone: 817.735.2210

Fax: 817.735.5404