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February 1, 2008
UNT HSC Logo Campus Connection Newletter Title. People. Plans. Progress. Dr. Thomas Moorman

First Friday Update
by President Scott Ransom

ICBD Debut

As you probably have heard, UNTHSC has officially formalized a long-term relationship with The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders (CCBD) that establishes the Institute for Cancer and Blood Disorders (ICBD).  The vision of the Institute is to be recognized as the authority in all aspects of discovery, prevention and treatment of cancer.  This collaboration between two of the area’s leaders in medicine will benefit patients who are dealing with cancer as we combine our expertise in cancer care and research together.  Our mission is to conquer cancer through excellence in research, prevention, patient care, education and service to rural and other citizens of North Texas and beyond. This new research institute undoubtedly will be the model for others to follow. 

Click on headline for more details.



Cell Phone

Phone numbers needed for new HSC Alert system
A new emergency alert system at the Health Science Center will notify the campus of emergencies by phone. Update your phone numbers in EIS to make sure you receive emergency messages.

The new “HSC Alert” system will immediately inform faculty, staff and students of emergency situations, such as severe weather or public safety emergencies on or near the Health Science Center campus. The system sends voice messages to the phones – including cell phones – of everyone with an EUID account in the EIS system. The system will also send text messages to cell phones. HSC Police will send a test message on Feb. 11.

Click on headline for more details.


Film crew

DNA lab appears on America’s Most Wanted, NBC Nightly News
The DNA lab recently was featured on two national broadcasts thanks to its work on a case in Fort Meyers, Fla. The lab was featured on “America’s Most Wanted” in a story about the eight bodies discovered in Fort Meyers, which law enforcement are still working to identify. Two of the men have been matched to family reference samples, but the story on “AMW” as well as a story on “NBC Nightly News - Weekend Edition,” served as a call for more family reference samples. Footage shot in the lab and of Dr. Art Eisenberg were featured on both broadcasts. Several NBC stations across the nation rebroadcast the NBC Nightly piece, including stations in Greenville, N.C.; Portland, Ore.; Atlanta; and West Palm Beach, Fla.

Film Icon Watch NBC Nightly News segment           Film Icon Watch America’s Most Wanted segment

Read this week’s In the News for more DNA lab coverage, as well as other appearances of the Health Science Center in the media. UNT HSC Logo



Gary Grant

Give input to the Five-Year Strategic Plan
Preparations are underway for the Health Science Center’s five-year strategic plan, and everyone has an opportunity to get involved.  Faculty, staff and students have been invited via e-mail to take a survey measuring our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). Your responses will help develop a five-year plan that will complement our annual strategy maps and our campus master plan by setting longer-term, high-priority strategies in each of our five mission-centric areas: Administration, Academic Affairs, Research, Clinical Care and Community Engagement.

You also have an to opportunity to meet with President Scott Ransom face to face to share your thoughts and ideas about the five-year plan. Small lunch meetings with President Ransom are being scheduled for faculty, staff and students. If you are interested in attending one of these lunches, contact Gayanne Clemens. UNT HSC Logo



Research Appreciation Day logo

16th Annual Research Appreciation Day, March 28
Mark your calendar for the 16th Annual Research Appreciation Day (RAD), to be held from 8 am to 6 pm on the sixth floor of the Center for BioHealth.   Dr. Bruce Budowle, the FBI’s premier biological scientist, will be the keynote speaker, and the surgical robot DiVinci will make a special appearance.

The deadline for abstract submission is Sunday, March 2, at midnight. To enter your poster and research project, to submit abstracts, or for more information, visit the RAD Web site.  

Due to space limitations, oral presentation competitions are not part of RAD this year. Check for poster presentation numbers and session assignments after the abstract submission deadline. For questions, e-mail the RAD office. UNT HSC Logo



Dr. Christine Goertz Choate

Distinguished speaker Choate discusses manual therapy and research
Dr. Christine Goertz Choate will discuss translational research and manual therapies at the fourth Health Science Center Distinguished Speaker Series event. Dr. Choate is the president executive director of the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research at the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.

Dr. Choate has a PhD in health services research from University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health and a Doctor of Chiropracty from Northwestern Health Sciences University in Minneapolis. She is also a recipient of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) National Research Service Award.

Click on headline for more details.line


GO Center

Go Centers receive high praise
Health Science Center students volunteer as mentors in Go Centers at Dunbar and North Side High Schools, in addition to their normal studies, and guide students through the process of college preparation. These centers focus on first-generation college students, especially African Americans and Hispanics.

Recently, Liz Davis, associate director of the Office of Outreach, received a letter from Barbara Novero, lead counselor at Dunbar High – one of the Health Science Center’s Adopt-a-School partners – praising the program’s effects regarding students’ education.

Click on headline to read a portion of the letter.


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Dr. Thomas Moorman

35-year service award received this week.

"I have wanted to do scientific research since I was 9 years old. Working here has allowed me to do that. Also, I willed my body to the medical school many years ago. I figured that if I stayed here long enough to drop dead in the lab from old age, then I could just be wheeled from the laboratory down to the cadaver room and save everyone the cost of finding and transporting my corpse."

John M. Talent Sr.
Research Associate,
Molecular Biology
and Immunology


In the News

DNA, healthy babies, museum school and the wind

Employee Kudos

Notable achievements by our colleagues


Volunteer Spotlight

Chili Cook-off


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Campus Connection
University of North Texas Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard | EAD 806 | Fort Worth TX | 76107-2699