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Posted: June 14, 2011

DNA lab creates investigative software tool

Dr. Chakraborty and teamThe UNT Health Science Center Institute of Investigative Genetics recently developed new software that could enable law enforcement agencies to generate additional investigative leads. This tool allows the agencies to search DNA profiles obtained from forensic evidentiary samples against DNA databases where no matches had been previously obtained and form a list of possible suspects.

This new software allows "familial searching," which is based on the genetic principle that DNA profiles of people who are closely related are likely to contain similarities.

Once a DNA profile is generated from evidence left at a crime scene, it can be searched against known profiles of convicted felons and arrestees to help identify potential relatives of the true donor of the evidence sample. Typically, familial searching enables associations of parent-child or sibling-sibling relationships. With this new software tool called MPKin FS EditionTM, more investigative leads can be developed using forensic DNA technology and database searches. Police and detectives will have another tool for identifying suspects and potentially solving more violent crimes.

The software is currently available for licensing. Agencies interested in the software may contact the UNT Health Science Center Institute of Investigative Genetics at (817)735-0613.

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