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EIS Training

Over the past few months, there has been a joint effort between all UNT System campuses to enhance the functionality of EIS and enable departments to maintain their employee reporting structure information. This new functionality is named “Select Direct Reports, Employee Self-Serice (ESS), and Manager Self-Service (MSS)”. 

Select Direct Reports functionality will:

  • Provide the ability to update reporting relationships with your Department
  • Minimize in the time and effort to maintain this information, as there will no longer be the need to contact HR for changes to be processed
  • provide the technical foundation needed to more fully utilize the EIS system and additional self service functions that require manager approval and/or workflow

Select Direct Reports -- UPK Training Module Link

Select Direct Reports -- Frequently Asked Questions

Employee Self-Service (ESS) functionality will:

ESS Excel User Guide

ESS Training Material Link

Manager Self-Service (MSS) functionality will:

MSS Excel User Guide

MSS Training Material Link


This page last updated Feb 10, 2011
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