Research Training Group

The RTG in Logic and Dynamics at UNT is a research training group funded by the National Science Foundation and the University of North Texas. Our mission is to

  • Train undergraduate students to conduct mathematics research;
  • Train graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to conduct high quality research in an area related to logic and dynamics, with an emphasis on the connection of the two fields;
  • Increase the number of students pursuing degrees and careers in mathematical sciences, and particularly increase the number of women and minorities pursuing advanced degrees in mathematics

RTG Graduate Fellowships

Applications are invited for graduate fellowships associated with the RTG program in Logic and Dynamics at the University of North Texas, Department of Mathematics. Two fellowships are available for students entering the UNT mathematics PhD program in the Fall of 2012. Each fellowship includes at least five years of support consisting of a stipend of $25,000 per year (including summer support), tuition expenses, and money for travel to conferences.

For more information on the RTG graduate fellowships and on the application procedure, visit our RTG Fellowships/Scholarships page.


RTG-relevant graduate courses and activities

RTG-relevant Courses

â–ºPlease click the heading link above for this semester's offerings.


  • RTG Logic and Dynamics Seminar
  • Undergraduate Mathematics Research Colloquium
  • Informal Mathematics Research Problem Session 


Fellowships & Scholarships

  • RTG Graduate Fellowships
  • RTG Undergraduate Mathematics Research Tuition Scholarships
  • RTG Summer Undergraduate Math Scholars Program