Bidding Requirements

Department Driven Purchases
BSC Driven
No bid needed:

Use vendor of choice. Departments are encouraged to practice good faith and award based on best value.

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Informal bid process:

Three (3) bids or informal quotes with a minimum of two (2) from certified HUBS. Departments are encouraged to practice good faith and award based on best value. Justification for no bidding must be fully explained in the requisition.

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Formal bid process:

BSC Purchasing Specialists will be responsible for the creation of a formal solicitation package. Departments complete the formal solicitation request and attach electronically to a requisition marked RFQ.

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Green Flag

Sole source justification:

Sole source justification form should be attached electroncally to a requisition.

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Green Flag

Green Flag

Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) Posting:

All university formal solicitations (bids) are listed by BSC Purchasing specialists.

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Green Flag

Determine subcontracts & HUB subcontracting plan:

Determination is made by BSC Purchasing Specialists based on initial estimate of expense. Plan is required for all purchases of $100K or more.

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Consultant procurement process:

Any study conducted by an outside source could be designated as a consultant purchase.  All consulting purchases should be directed to BSC Contracts area prior to obligation.

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Green Flag

Green Flag

Green Flag

*Purchases of $100,000 or more must be approved by the appropriate Vice President.  If approval is not included with the requisition, furthur processing will remain on hold until approval is obtained.