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CAP is here to help!

Types of Writing support:

  • CAP will provide feedback on writing samples submitted to our office via the Writing Submission Form.
  • Writing Well Workshop Series
  • Drop-in Hours for Quick Questions about Writing
  • Appointment based Writing Assistance
  • CAP writing tutors will provide feedback on:
    • Rhetorical Situation
    • Content as it relates to the reader
    • Purpose and Focus
    • Organization
    • Development
    • Diction & Syntax
    • Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling

 Types of Presentation Support:

  • Practice presentation for CAP staff
  • Receive feedback on presentation skills
  • Review power-point slides and handouts for ease of use by audience

 Editing Services:

  • CAP does not provide editing services for UNTHSC students
  • A list of outside editors is available upon request by sending an email to CAP@unthsc.edu

 To Receive CAP Writing Support Services:

  • Submit your paper to CAP via the Writing Submission Form
    • Note: Effective April 1, 2012 All papers must be submitted via the submission form.
  • Please allow 3 business days to review the paper
  • Up to 5 pages per paper will be reviewed
  • One personal statement per student will be reviewed. This includes optional essays.
  • CAP writing tutors will review a paper one time. Please do not resubmit.
  • A Guide to Using Feedback from a CAP Writing Tutor

Drop-In Hours for Writing Assistance in CAP main office (CEE-EAD 260):

  • Mondays 11 am - 2 pm
  • Fridays 3:30 -5:00 pm  

 Writing Assistance Appointments:

  • 30-minute Appointments are available:
    • Mondays 2- 5 pm
    • Wednesdays 1:30-4:30 pm
    • Fridays 11 am – 1:30 pm
  • Call 817-735-2531 to make an appointment with the CAP Graduate Writing Assistant





Great Article on Writing Dissertations: My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Dissertation by Rachel Herrmann


This page last updated Oct 26, 2012
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