Strategic Thinking Councils

The President's Strategic Thinking Councils (STCs) were established in 2006 upon the arrival of Dr. Ransom as a forum for ideas, information, and strategic issues and initiatives to be discussed in each of the five mission-centric areas.  Since then, much progress has been made towards realizing our five-year strategic plan.  So starting this fall, the STCs will meet on a quarterly basis to review the results of the previous Quarterly Performance Measures, discuss efforts around the FY 2012 Tactical Initiatives, and any other strategic issues that are impacting the organization within that mission-centric area.  Similar to previous years, the membership of each STC has been modified slightly to encourage new and fresh perspectives to issues and initiatives within the organization. We believe that this new focus will make the Strategic Thinking Councils more effective in ensuring that we hold ourselves accountable for achieving our annual Tactical Initiatives and Five Year Strategic plan.

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This page last updated 12th Nov 2012