UNT Research

The mission of the Office of Research and Economic Development at the University of North Texas is to create new knowledge and its dissemination for a better quality of life, by assisting faculty in their research, scholarly, and creative activities through its three divisions:

Research Development

The Research Development Team (RDT) supports faculty in the development of research and education proposals, and helps develop interdisciplinary partnerships across UNT’s colleges and departments, and actively pursues linkages with other regional, national, and international institutions. Learn More

Research Services

Research Services provides faculty with pre-award and post-award support to ensure the submission of exemplary proposals that result in external awards. Learn More

Research Clusters

The University of North Texas research clusters are collaborative, cross-disciplinary teams composed of leading researchers, faculty, students and institutions engaged in seminal research and the synergistic exchange of ideas and resources. Scientists, engineers, artists, philosophers and other scholars join strategies "outside the box" in visionary enterprise. Learn More

Research Centers and Institutes

The group of UNT’s research and service units that engage in research and/or public service and training. Learn More