Career Development Checklist

This checklist is your guide for making the job search process easier. The activities within each category don't need to be done in order. Just check them off as you go!

Ongoing Activities

  • Explore part-time jobs (on or off-campus).
  • Identify a career mentor.
  • Attend UNT Career Fairs and Festivals.
  • Get involved in a student organization or volunteer experience.

Career Exploration (Freshmen and Sophomores)

  • Meet with your Career Advisor. (Call to schedule.)
  • Register with the Eagle Network.
  • Take a career assessment.
  • Conduct an informational interview.
  • Meet with your academic advisor to develop your University Core Curriculum.
  • Research occupations online.
  • Officially declare a major.

Job Search and Application (Juniors and Seniors)

  • Meet with your Career Advisor to review your resume and discuss job search strategies. (Call to schedule.)
  • Check the Eagle Network regularly.
  • Take on a Leadership role in a professional and/or student organization.
  • Discuss graduate school, internships, and career opportunities with your career mentor, academic mentor and/or faculty.
  • Attend Career Seminars.
  • Create your "Two-Minute Commercial."
  • Select at least 3 references for job applications.
  • Participate in mock interviews.
  • Research employers.
  • Update your resume regularly, and keep it posted on the Eagle Network.
  • Participate in on-campus interviews.
  • Find an internship.

Download the Career Development Checklist.