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UNT representatives, talkshow guests on China TV discuss future sustainable housing

Drs. Yong Tao and Rick Nader of UNT shared ideas about the future of energy efficient housing as featured guests on a news program hosted by the TV Channel in Beijing.

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UNT to build Zero Energy Research Laboratory

The University of North Texas is leading the charge to produce a quality green-collar workforce by building a state-of-the-art Zero Energy Research Laboratory, where students and faculty will get first-hand experience with sustainable energy technologies of tomorrow.

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UNT Professor Recognized with ASME North Texas Section Young Engineer of the Year

Dr. Aleksadra Fortier, assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering and researcher with the UNT Renewable Energy and Conservation research cluster, is being honored for her achievements with the 2010-11 ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) North Texas Section Young Engineer of the Year.

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