About Us

Our Member Institutions include:
Our service areas are:
Why shared Services?

There are many reasons to formalize implementation of shared services within the UNT System. Many people assume it is solely a cost saving measure. While reducing costs is certainly a planned benefit of shared services, there are many others. Here are a few:

  • Shared Services will improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary duplication of services across the campuses
  • Shared Services will allow the UNT System to standardize business processing which will reduce secondary and tertiary (departmental) costs and frustration by simplifying and streamlining processes; simplify and reduce IT costs associated with implementing and managing technology support services; and enable cross training among employees
  • Shared Services will free up existing financial and human resources to allow reallocation to mission centric activities
  • Shared Services will create the ability to manage business services strategically – re-framing them from a necessary expense to a resource within the UNT System that can be optimized.
  • By leveraging technology shared services will enable automated approaches to historically manual processes
  • Transaction processing scale and automation reduces costs and enables service outreach to other similar organizations