Research Services


Research Services

Research Services helps with the actual grant application process. Each grant or research related proposal has different guidelines that vary in complexity, and it can be challenging to track these requirements. 

Research Serviceshelps you stay on target. This area serves as the coordinating office for externally funded projects submitted by the university; these include both government agencies (federal and/or state) and private organizations (not-for-profits, industries). ORED encourages faculty in all areas to pursue diverse funding sources, whether sponsors allow indirect costs or not. Grants and contracts staff work with Principal Investigators to administer and shepherd projects to completion; they manage everything from timelines and budgets, to application guidelines. This process includes pre-award administration, management of agreements and contracts, post award administration and close-out, and financial reporting.

Faculty and staff who conduct sponsored projects under the auspices of UNT are fiscal stewards and, as such, have a responsibility to manage projects carefully. Knowledgeable staff ensure that grants are administered appropriately and in accordance with the unique set of guidelines that govern each one, allowing the researchers to stay focused on carrying out their projects. Effort reporting falls under the purview of Compliance and is a means of certifying to granting agencies that salaries and wages paid on projects reasonably reflect the effort committed in the award. Cost recovery reports address indirect expenses that UNT incurs as an institutional representative, such as facility and administrative overhead, and are used to set the rates that are applied to grant contracts.

Schedule an appointment with a representative to learn more about Research Services.

Pre Awards

Post Awards


Financial Compliance

Information Systems