Peter Roskam

Peter Roskam


I represent Illinois’ 6th Congressional District in the US House. I'm a Member of the Ways & Means Committee+ the Chief Deputy Whip in the Republican Majority.

Wheaton, IL ·

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I'm honored to serve as Chief Deputy Whip for the 113th Congress alongside my friend and colleague, Kevin McCarthy.

Today's jobs report shows us an increase of 7.9% unemployment. American's can't afford another 4 years like the last 4

Small businesses are engine of job creation. Under this admin’s overreach, job creators are frozen. cc:

Bloomberg story about the dire need to avoid the fiscal cliff and the middle class tax hikes that would come with it

Adm. Mullen said that national debt is our biggest national security threat. This article underscores how right he is:

If you couldn’t catch yesterday’s fiscal cliff discussion, check out this Defense News article for a summary:

Rep. Peter Roskam: the common ground is "high level of dissatisfaction with the current tax code"

Obama’s promise to cut deficit in half is unfulfilled. Today, U.S has more spending, greater debt & higher unemployment

Check out this WSJ article for a great explanation of our corporate tax rates and how they’re stifling economic growth

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