The Boldness to be the Best

For more than 120 years, the University of North Texas has successfully fostered the transformation of students, employees, constituents and communities. Most important, perhaps, is that UNT students benefit from a high-quality education, great support and an enriching campus life — everything they need to fulfill their dreams.

Our past has been successful and has provided the university with the building blocks that are needed now, for students, the region and beyond. To be a university of the future, we have imagined all that we can be tomorrow and are building on all that we are today. Those aspirations have been distilled into the four bold goals outlined in our new strategic plan. These goals are more than dreams and wishes. They are the foundation of our plan, outlining not only what we want to become but how we will do it.

Rawlings with students

It is our overarching goal, and plan, to be a regional, state and national leader with the special character outlined in those bold goals. We've captured the essence of this promise through our new theme line, "A green light to greatness." UNT exists to help our students, our region and all those we serve to attain greatness, and through them, we embody excellence.

The President's Annual Report 2011 illustrates how UNT is fulfilling its four bold goals while making progress and rising in stature as a major public research university. In it, you will see that we are defining our own path to greatness. We're not just working to provide the best undergraduate education and superior research, scholarship and graduate education. We're working to be an efficient, cost-effective operation providing excellent client-friendly service to our people and our communities. We are reaching out more to be a highly engaged community partner. And we're standing out in new ways as a green institution.

Achieving these four bold goals will transform UNT as a university and organization, and the journey is as important as the destination.


V. Lane Rawlins