Research Development

Research Development

If you want to apply for a grant, find a research collaborator, or explore funding options, bring your ideas to the table for a candid assessment of how and where your research can get the attention it deserves. Custom support is part of what makes the Research Development team unique. Staff members assist with a range of services, such as vetting proposal ideas, helping researchers communicate clear project goals and methods, reviewing technical content, creating graphical components to aid visual presentation, and recommending and finding research partners as well as funding sources.

Research Development produces a variety of workshops and other events throughout the year that highlight resources and strategies designed to maximize a proposal’s potential. Past presentations included how to write effective proposals to federal agencies; budget builders; pursuing funding in the social sciences; research and inter-national exchange; and how to get funding from private foundations. Preparing faculty in core areas of research development builds confidence and knowledge so that the grant application process becomes familiar and ideas are presented in the best possible light.

Requests for Research Development Services

Research Development Tools and Training

Workshop Materials and Presentations

May 15: UNT and DRC Biomedical Informatics and Health IT Workforce: Pipeline and 40+ Sustainability

Agency Specific Guides

Other Helpful Links

The Team helps develop interdisciplinary partnerships across UNTs colleges and departments, with the UNT Health Science Center, and actively pursues linkages with other institutions in Texas, across the nation and internationally to enhance UNTs contributions to diversity and knowledge development.